Encinitas Union Elementary School District
Urban Organics is proud to partner with the Encinitas Union Elementary School District to provide fresh free produce for qualifying families and their school-age children. Children need nutritious foods to grow and to function, however, many school-aged children depend on junk foods for their nourishment. Studies on American adolescents show that, in general, they have inadequate intake of fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. More than one-third of their daily intake comes from eating snacks between meals. These snacks include high-fat fast-food items such as cheeseburgers and potato chips. Urban Organics is committed to changing this trend.
In 2008, Urban Organics provided over 1000 free, fresh, organically grown meals to the Encinitas Union Elementary School District to distribute to students identified as in-need. These meals are grown, harvested, prepared, and packaged on our Encinitas Farm by a team of locally recruited volunteers, many of whom have school-age students in their families. Using local volunteers to staff this program serves allows us to not only provide wholesome food to our community’s youngsters, but it gives us the opportunity to interact with needy families, fostering close community relationships, facilitating dialog, and educating adults on the importance of healthy living in harmony with the natural environment.
Adams Avenue Public Art Program
Urban Organics in cooperation with the Adams Avenue Business Association (AABA) sponsored "Adams Avenue: A Work In Progress". Adams Avenue has been transformed into a public gallery with the placement of 120 banners on the antique lampposts from Vista Drive in Kensington to 30th Street in Normal Heights. The banners went up the week of September 21, 1998 in time for their gala celebration on Thursday, September 24 at Smitty's Service Station, 3441 Adams Ave. A good time was had by all.
Community Cleanup Program
Urban Organics partners with the Encinitas Department of Environmental Protection (EDEP) in the Encinitas Community Cleanup Program (ECCP). The ECCP works with local partners to clean up illegal dumpsites that have changed the landscape in Northern San Diego County. Using a multi-faceted approach that includes engaging communities expanded recycling programs, community education, aggressive law enforcement and beautification. The program is breaking the cycle of dumping and despair in areas that are seeking to capitalize on their natural beauty for economic revitalization.